Monster Skips
Matteress in a skip

Can You Put a Mattress in a Skip?

Can You Put A Mattress In A Skip?

According to the North London Waste Authority (NLWA), in the United Kingdom, over 7 million mattresses are discarded each year, and an estimated 2.9 million of these mattresses reach an early end. That’s a staggering number of mattresses! At Monster Skips, we understand the complexities surrounding mattress disposal. 

With years of experience in the waste management industry, we have encountered countless inquiries regarding the acceptability of mattresses in skips. The question of whether you can put a mattress in a skip is not merely a matter of convenience; it holds significant implications for waste management practices and environmental sustainability. 

Understanding Skip Compatibility

When it comes to disposing of mattresses in skips, understanding skip compatibility is necessary. Not all mattresses are treated equally, and some may require special handling due to their material composition or size.

Why Does It Matter?

Skip compatibility means your skip can handle certain types of waste, like mattresses. While skips are usually for general rubbish, you need to think about what you’re putting in, especially big stuff like mattresses. If you don’t get it right, it could cause problems when they collect the rubbish or even harm the environment, leading to extra costs.

Different Types of Mattresses

Not every mattress is the same. There are lots of types, like memory foam or latex, and they need different treatments because of what they’re made of. For example, memory foam mattresses are denser and more flexible, so they need to be handled differently from regular coil ones.

Checking with Skip Hire Providers

It is important to check with the skip hire company about their policies regarding mattress disposal. They might have their own rules based on things like material composition, size, or recycling capabilities.

Additional Fees for Mattress Disposal

When you’re putting mattresses in skips, it’s important to know about extra charges you might have to pay. These fees usually happen because mattresses need special handling and recycling. There are environmental rules to follow when getting rid of them.

See Also: A Guide to Finding Affordable Large Skip Hire Services

Size Matters

Skip hire Solihull - various skip sizesPicking the right skip size based on how big your mattress is makes sure you can get rid of it properly without any problems when they come to pick up the rubbish.

Why Mattress Size Matters?

The size of your mattress decides what size skip you need. Bigger mattresses, like the king or queen-size ones, need bigger skips to fit them in properly. If you don’t think about the mattress size, you might end up with a skip that’s too small, and fitting everything in could be really tricky.

How to Choose the Right Skip Size?

First, measure your mattress carefully to know how much space it needs in the skip. Think about how long and wide it is. Also, think about any other rubbish you want to get rid of at the same time. 

Then, check the Skip Sizes Guide from the skip hire company. It tells you about the different skip sizes and how much they can hold. This helps you pick the best skip size for what you need to throw away.

Environmental Impact of Mattress Disposal

Americans discard 15 to 20 million mattresses each year, contributing to a significant environmental challenge. These discarded mattresses occupy an astonishing 132,000 miles of landfill space. To put this into perspective, that’s more than five times the circumference of the Earth! A single mattress can fill up around 40 cubic feet of space. 

Picture a tower of mattresses reaching up into the sky, and you’ll start to understand how big the issue is. These large items take up a lot of room in landfills, stopping us from using the space effectively to get rid of other types of waste.

Read More: 5 Ways to Reduce Your Business’s Commercial Waste Management Costs

The Slow Decomposition Rate

Mattresses take ages to break down. They’re made of lots of different materials like foam, fabric, metal springs, and wood, which makes them tough to break apart naturally. In landfills, they can stick around for decades, hogging space and adding to the pile of waste.

The big problem with recycling mattresses is their springs. These metal coils are tough to deal with. They mess up recycling machines so much that they’re called “machine killers.” That’s why only about 19% of mattresses get recycled currently.

The Importance of Responsible Mattress Disposal

Responsible mattress disposal is crucial to minimise environmental harm. Here’s why:

Saving Landfill Space: If we dispose of mattresses properly, we can use valuable landfill space better, which helps us manage waste more effectively overall.

Preventing Pollution: When mattresses break down, they release nasty chemicals and heavy metals into the soil and water. Responsible disposal stops these toxins from polluting our environment.

Saving Energy and Resources: Recycling mattresses means we don’t need as many new materials or energy-intensive processes to make new ones. Plus, it helps local economies by creating jobs in recycling.

Read More: 5 Essential Safety Tips to Follow When You Hire a Skip

Legal Regulations Regarding Mattress Disposal

mastteress disposalDifferent Mattress Disposal Options

When upgrading or replacing an old bed, consider the following mattress disposal options:

Reuse: If your mattress is still in good condition, you can use it in a guest room or donate/sell it to someone who needs it.

Professional Removal: There are companies with insured movers who can take away your mattress safely. They might even pick it up from your home, which is really handy.

Local Junk Removal: Some local companies can collect mattresses from different places, like your garage or front yard. Some places also let you drop off old mattresses at their centres.

Other Options for Mattress Disposal

When it comes to disposing of mattresses responsibly, several alternative options exist beyond traditional landfill disposal. These options include

Mattress Recycling Facilities

Recycling facilities specialise in dismantling mattresses and separating their components for recycling. Materials such as metal springs, foam, and fabric can be reclaimed and repurposed for use in various industries, reducing the environmental impact of mattress disposal.

Donation Centers

Many donation centres accept gently used mattresses for resale or redistribution to individuals in need. Donating a mattress not only extends its lifespan but also benefits the community by providing affordable bedding options to those in need.

Specialised Waste Disposal Services

Some waste management companies offer specialised disposal services for mattresses, including pickup and recycling options. These services may incur additional fees but provide a convenient and environmentally responsible solution for mattress disposal.

Selling or Upcycling

Selling: If your mattress is still in good condition, you can try selling it on websites like online marketplaces or community boards.

Upcycling: If you’re feeling creative, you can turn parts of the mattress into new stuff like pet beds, cushions, or even art projects. It’s a fun way to give your old mattress a new life!

Manufacturer Take-Back Schemes

Some mattress makers have schemes where they’ll take your old mattress away when you buy a new one. They make sure it’s disposed of responsibly. This helps recycling and reusing materials, which is good for the environment.

Read More: A Guide to Choosing The Right Commercial Skip Hire Services

How to Put a Mattress Into a Skip?

Prepare the Mattress

  • Strip all bedding off the mattress and ensure it’s clean.
  • Check for damage and dispose of heavily soiled or damaged mattresses separately.

Position the Mattress

  • Lay the mattress flat on the bottom of the skip to maximise space.
  • Make sure it fits entirely within the skip’s boundaries, without overhanging.

Exercise Safety

  • Lift and maneuver the mattress safely, using proper techniques.
  • Consider wearing gloves and sturdy footwear for protection.

Secure the Mattress

  • Ensure the mattress is stable and securely placed to prevent shifting.
  • Avoid stacking heavy items on top of the mattress.

Close and Secure the Skip

  • Close the skip securely after disposing of the mattress and other waste.
  • Follow any instructions from the skip hire company for closure and safety.

Contact Skip Hire Provider

  • Once the skip is full and closed, contact the hire provider to arrange collection and transportation to the waste management facility.

Read More: How to fill a skip

Final Words

Responsible mattress disposal is necessary for environmental sustainability. Furthermore, exploring alternative disposal methods, such as recycling centres and donations, offers eco-friendly alternatives to skip disposal. Monster Skips is your reliable partner for mattress disposal. We provide eco-friendly solutions by focusing on responsible waste management. Let’s prioritise responsible disposal to protect our environment from pollution.


Can I put any type of mattress in a skip?

Most skip hire companies accept various types of mattresses, including standard spring mattresses and memory foam mattresses. However, it’s essential to check with your skip hire provider about any specific restrictions or guidelines regarding mattress disposal.

Can I put a sofabed in a skip?

You can usually put sofabeds in a skip, but it’s best to take them apart first. This helps make the most of the skip’s space and keeps things safe when they’re being moved. Dismantling the sofabed means you can fit more in the skip without going over any weight or size limits.

Do I need to cut up the mattress before putting it in a skip?

There’s no need to cut up a mattress before disposal in a skip. Skip hire companies are equipped to handle mattresses of various sizes and conditions. The mattress will undergo processing and recycling at specialised facilities after collection, so it’s preferable to leave it intact for easier handling.

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